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Job Seeking Strategy

The academic sector can be quite difficult to break into so do not set your expectations too high and look for immediate outcomes. You will need to prepare for the many challenges that present themselves. There are only a small number of open studentships and post-doctoral fellowships on the market at any one time.

The emerging area of social media is also a very useful tool in your job search. Resources such as LinkedIn allow you to promote yourself online and to network with potential employers. Make sure to make full use of this type of resource as it is important to have yourself out there as much as possible to be successful in your job search

Try not to blanket apply for jobs online on job boards or apply for jobs you are not qualified for as this will lower your standing in the eyes of the HR consultants reviewing your application if they see multiple applications from you, including jobs that you are not qualified for. Target you application to the position - do your research on the post before applying and try to include some of this research in your cover letter.